Friday, January 3, 2014

Staying Better

I know, it sounds a bit contradicting.  How can something stay the same and still get better?  Maybe it's a play on words, but having a commitment to getting better while remaining anchored in certain values should be the pursuit of us all.  Consider this as a challenge for the new year.  When we know who we are while endeavoring to change, learn and grow - that's a prescription for staying better. 
Here's a list of helpful suggestions:
1.  Get real with yourself!  Know your personality and what you're called to do; refrain from trying to be something you're not.  At the same time, know where you need to improve.
2.  Establish values.  Identify for yourself and your organization what shouldn't change.  Let these core attributes anchor you.
3.  Courageously explore resources.  Go after resources that don't deny you of your values but stretches your thinking and increases your level of exposure.
4.  Determine to be a change agent.  Be willing to make course corrections no matter how radical; never turn a blind eye and challenge the status quo in the right attitude.  Make "better" a priority.
5.  Envision the long range plan.  What can you do daily that will positively impact legacy and encourage sustainability?  Some ingredients are meant to die and other qualities should last through the seasons of change.  It's good to know the difference. 
"Staying better" is all about staying in step with new tools and methods while staying true to your calling.  So, let it be your goal to STAY BETTER in 2014!

What needs to change today and stay the same in your life and/or organization?


Unknown said...

Excellent motivation without the hype. Great job.

Darren S. Pilcher said...

Thanks, Neil! Appreciate your feedback. Happy New Year!