Monday, October 12, 2009

Stoke the Spark

I'm challenged by a particular passage of Scripture in 2 Timothy chapter 1. Paul writes to Timothy that because of the sincere faith that he sees in him, " fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline." What happens so often is that sincere faith can become too stoic, meaning that we can be solid in holding to the gospel message, but not use it to make a difference around us... In other words, a sincere faith that needs to be stoked. And, furthermore, timidity is not just a personality trait... It can be everyone's obstacle, coming from the natural progression inward from outward inactivity. So, Paul says to Timothy that God has given us the spirit of power, love and self-discipline to overcome that spirit of timidity within us. The fire just needs to be stoked...!
OK, so I'm thinking of my own life and how I can stay stoked this week about the greatness of God within me to make a difference. Maybe this practical list will help you too.
1. Set some goals for the week.
2. Work with a testimony in mind.
3. Refrain from any negative talk.
4. Choose a praise partner (someone to rejoice with you as God works through you and them).
5. Find a venue to exercise your gift.
6. Do something positive outside of your comfort zone.
7. Count your blessings.

If you are a Christ-follower, there is something in you, sometimes it's nothing more than a spark. But stoke a spark in the right environment, and watch out, we've got ourselves a flame.
So, LET'S GET STOKED about what God wants to do through us this week!

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