Thursday, October 8, 2009

Heaven's Degree Program

A fascinating Scripture portion to me is found in Acts 4:13...where Peter and John have been used of God to bring healing to a lame man, and questioned by the religious leaders as to how and in what Name they performed this miracle. The verse is a response by the religious leaders to the courage of these men of God. It reads, "When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus." Well, the fact is that these men were not really unschooled, ordinary men. Yes, they were unschooled in the sense of not having sat under a prestigious Jewish school, but THEY HAD BEEN WITH JESUS. They were schooled and unordinary by way of what they learned and Who they learned it from. It was truly an "ah ha" moment for their antagonists... They recognized them as ones they remembered seeing with Jesus.
And, that's what makes the difference in any situation...whether it's a need for the miraculous, a sense of wisdom in a tough decision, or strength for the day's responsibilities. When you boil it down, you can have all the education the world has to offer while being exposed to the cultures in those certain places, but if you've not been under the tutelage of Christ, the mountain will still be in the way. Heaven's Degree Plan is sitting at the feet of the Master Teacher, Jesus Christ!

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