Monday, June 29, 2009

Consumed by a Clear Call

It was at a New York Missions conference in 1900 that Andrew Murray said these words: "Things cannot go on as they are if the world is really to be evangelized in this generation." I have been in many worship experiences where the challenge has gone out to answer the "call" and fulfill the "Great Commission." As a matter of fact, I have heard that challenge more times than I can count. And...then, life happens: schedules, responsibilities, roles to play, people to see, places to go... Wow, how quickly I can forget what's most important, why I've been saved, my eternal reason for being. But, "things cannot go on as they are" if a heavenly impact is to be made on those around us. When I stop and think about it, I am overwhelmed at the thought that an All-Sufficient, All-Wise God chose to use me to get the Word out about His grace and love for all mankind. So, the idea is to stop, think about it more often, and step into this serious business of being that the point of being consumed by it. I feel it - it's burning again. Thank you, Lord. More later...

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