Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I Love Missions More Than Ever, part two

Continuing from yesterday's post, I'm doing my best to keep my thoughts short and to the point. The difficulty is that so much seems to be left unsaid. Hopefully you can catch my heart in this attempt. Here goes a continuation on why I love missions more than ever:

3. Responsibility and challenge
Michelle and I were on staff at a church in Aurora, CO., for six years that was known internationally as being a fanatical (in a good way) missions church. We witnessed a passionate pastor and visionary who loved missionaries and had an intensity toward global concerns. His spirit was contagious, to say the least. Much of what I have experienced in other parts of the world has been largely due to his persistence that I gain something of what had become his preoccupation. When becoming a pastor myself, his leadership influenced me greatly. Within my own uniqueness, God is burning in me a passion as He uses experiences to hewn out purpose and calling.
I'm lead pastoring in a prophetic season globally that is marked by uncommon harvest, increased persecution, deepened depravity and new wave of young missionary recruits with ruthless self-abandonment and trust in God. The responsibility to shepherd God's people towards His heart for the named and unnamed around the world is awesome in task. The challenge to train and release the Church in an ever increasing self-absorbed society can and must be embraced as we follow God's Word unashamedly.

Enough for now...

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