Friday, November 22, 2013

So, You Really Wanna Grow...?

The starting point for personal growth, as we established in the last post, is desire.  Nothing of action-step orientation can be accomplished without a desire to do it or get it done.  Especially in light of becoming a better person, leader and whatever role applies to us, seeing the need to is where it all begins.  God's Word and Spirit along with some honest folks in our life become key resources in seeing such an essential.  But many people stop there...  And, that is precisely why books are left unread, treadmills collect dust and healthy relationships are never pursued.  So, the second step to growing personally (assuming you've prayed about it) is working on an actual plan - a growth plan.  This is not a list of goals for the new year or some ambitious strategy.  Rather, it's a plan that can be worked.  Plan your work and work your plan.  It's got to be doable!  Consider categories such as the spiritual, physical, relational, mental and organizational.
Why don't you take this holiday season to begin that much needed work on a plan for the new year... Then, lay that plan out before the Lord and before a selected few.  Get some feedback to insure that it's a realistic plan.  As the calendar roles over to January 1, be ready to make that plan visible to yourself (whether it be framed or in a desk drawer, handy to refer to). And, by God's grace, be ready to grow and measure your growth by a well-thought-out plan.  If you really want to grow, then prove it by your plan!

What does your growth plan look like?

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