Monday, October 15, 2012

Winning Environments

Talent is never enough!  Don’t fall for it; competence doesn’t complete the puzzle.  The room can be filled with the giftedness of a team…and still not accomplish anything.  What’s missing?  There’s more to getting the job done than just having someone to assign a project to and then giving them that assignment.  A huge and critical part of leadership is knowing what strengths you need and where you need them most.  And, when a job description is given to the wrong person, confusion and detachment will be the end results.  Meetings and work environments that have people assigned incorrectly create atmospheres that are demoralizing.  Good leaders fan the gifts in others when the gifted are positioned correctly within the organization.  Do you want a winning environment?  Put the right people with the appropriate tasks, and talk about that in your next meeting!


Fergie said...

Hey Darren. I just talked about you yesterday. We went to my Nephew's Church, Elevate Life in Frisco and went to lunch with my Sister, her husband Jim. Your name came up and I was able to update them on your situation. They were excited to know that you are progressing greatly in your ambitions.
Take care and stay in touch.

Darren S. Pilcher said...

I've been impressed with what I've seen and heard about their church. Thanks for the kind words about me with your family. Good to stay connected. Blessings.