Saturday, July 18, 2009

An Itchin' for Fishin'

I know that these pics will come as a shock to many out there, but it's trick-photography. A buddy and I went one evening this week and hit a few farm ponds. I don't do a lot of fishin' a matter of fact, it's been a long time. But for some strange reason, I got an itchin' for fishin'. So, off we went...hoping for good weather. WOW! We said it must have been the favor of heaven. On our way to these ponds, clouds started rolling in and the temperature dropped a total of 20 degrees. A little sprinkle of rain and some change in the climate...and whammo...the fish are bitin', baby.
You know, life as a Christ-follower is a lot like the desire to fish to catch something: You can bait properly, hit the right ponds, wear the proper attire and have every expectation to catch what you are fishing for. But, if the Lord isn't in it...I mean, if the Spirit of God doesn't blow (I like to call it the weather of the Spirit), what we do falls helplessly to ineffectiveness. The Apostle Paul said that it wasn't with eloquent speaking ability that he won folks over, but rather the demonstration of God's power. So, that twenty degrees did make a difference...eight bass in all. We filleted 'em...and are planning for a big fish fry coming soon!

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