Friday, May 1, 2009

Hope Higher

Lost jobs. Foreclosed homes. Swine flu outbreaks. Serial killings. Terrorist threats. Health Care concerns. Fires and weather-related devastations. Wow...nationally, the news isn't good. As a matter of fact, there's very little good news to be heard lately. And, coupled with these potentially-depressing facts is the personal issues of home and relationships: Sicknesses and care-giver stresses; fragmented families; broken commitments; financial indebtedness... On and on it can go. The point of this blog is not to get you or me discouraged at these lists of challenges. Rather, the idea is to help us to realize anew the importance of having hope and actually knowing where this hope comes from. Throughout the month of May (excluding Mother's Day), we will be sharing from Isaiah 40, an intensely encouraging collection of truth spoken by God through this Old Testament prophet. The application will reacquaint the listener with fresh hope and enable this positive infection to spread. (And, we need this kind of infection in our world.) So, if you or someone you know needs fresh hope, join us this Sunday morning, May the 3rd, at Lakeside, as we look into this practical teaching on how to hope higher.

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