Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Back from Africa

Just a quick update from my trip to Kenya. Emotions were stirred in me as I toured along with a few others from our church the results of tribal rioting. Hundreds of churches and homes were destroyed. Many IDP camps (internally displaced persons) were scattered throughout the devastated towns and villages populated by thousands. I visited personally with the General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God in Kenya who thanked our church for the monies raised and challenged us to do more if possible by conveying that these church buildings and congregations were central to village revitalization. We will be pulling photos and video together for a DVD presentation communicating this challenge. As I am successfully overcoming the jetlag drag and getting back in the saddle with responsibilities, so to speak, my heart is full from reflecting on this international experience due to my firsthand witness of the Kingdom of God at work. Yes, that's truly what it's all about. Jesus is building His church and hell itself can't stop the forceful advancement of it...for the glory of God!

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