Wednesday, May 28, 2014

How Would Jesus Do Your Job Differently?

There is no greater way to personally probe deeply into what you do and how you are doing it than by asking self-examination questions.  One that I have been thinking on lately...and, am adopting into my regular weekly questionnaire is how would Jesus do my job differently?  It's one that is painfully necessary.  My life is flawed; His life isn't.  As a matter of fact, Scripture is clear in that though Christ was tempted in every way like we are, His life remained sinless.  What a life to learn from...! 
So, how would Christ do your job differently?  How would His responses be different?  What attitudes that have been somewhat unbridled in your life would be kept at bay in His?  Why would He make a certain decision that you chose not to make?  In what areas would Christ show patience that, in the same areas, you haven't?  Who would He connect with...?  What would His calendar look like...?  How often would He engage in outside lunches...?  How much time would he spend in planning...?  What would His annual budget contain...? 
Continue the questions by framing them in light of how Christ would do your job today. 
Ultimately, Jesus is our Life Coach.  He has already mastered every relational issue and on-the-job obstacle.  And, doing it as He already has and says to do it is the critical ingredients to raising our standard of excellence and significance. 
A final thought would relate to the profound grace that He offers.  The reality is that the way Christ would do your job would be different through you than the way He would do it through someone else.  Lean into the nudges of the Holy Spirit today.  Depending more intentionally on His grace might serve a different approach after all. 

So, how might Jesus do your job differently?

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