Monday, April 7, 2014

Why Know-it-alls Won't Stay There Long Term

Ever met someone that you couldn't tell them about anything new?  They already knew it...  Those kinds of people are unfortunately everywhere.  (I use to make up stories just to throw off people like that.)  It's like a child...  You tell them something and they respond, "I know that..."  Adults are worse.  They've allowed years of dogmatism and maturing egos to make them close-minded. 
Proverbs 12:1 (a book for career students) says, "Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid."  In other words, "know-it-alls" are not intelligent people.  They aren't smart at all.  When we refuse to allow good counsel to bend us, we will eventually break by the demands of life.  Here's the point: People who feel like they "know-it-all" can get to certain places, but they don't stay there long.  Life is made up of too many evaluations and course corrections to assume knowledge arrival!  Those who choose to remain the same potentially lose their influence and ultimately any intended impact.  The key to long term effectiveness is possessing a teachable spirit.  So, let's check our ego in at the door and actually stay a while!

Who do you need to listen to more intently and openly?  What decision needs to be altered or course, corrected in your life or business today?

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