Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Unattractiveness of Begging for Attention

Thanks to the venue of social media, we get to see individuals from all walks of life barter for attention - the I'll show you what I'm doing and see if you can top it game.  Whether it's intentional or not, trying to get the recognition from others at any cost is frankly unattractive.  And, the more one does it, the less appealing that person can become.  We've all done it to some level - the bragging thing.  You know, check out who I had dinner with tonight or where our family got to go on vacation... The more we fall into the trap of trying to out-perform, the greater the chances that we'll find ourselves in the endless cycle of comparing ourselves to others.  No fun, and not attractive!  If you are constantly trying to prove something or boast about something new in your life, check yourself out more deeply.  And, pause to remember that you are loved by the God of the Universe!  Wanna know how to get healthy attention?  Be crazy generous with those who can't pay you back.  Embrace the Audience of One mentality.  Maintain a Christlike attitude with everyone.  We all need God's grace to walk this out.  Living as a child of God, enabled by that grace makes you attractive.  And, that's enough!

How can you embrace a better version of you in light of who you are in Christ?

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