Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Family Style

I love the restaurants that serve "family style" - when wide plates of entrees and deep bowls of sides are placed on the table for everyone to share.   It requires lots of interaction, cooperation and patience.  Please pass the potatoes...  Can I serve you up some salad...?  I'll wait till that bowl of pasta comes down this way...  So, here's the question:  What if church life was more like those "family style" experiences?  What if the body of Christ knew what it meant to truly interact, cooperate and "serve up" some good manners with each other?  I guess the bigger question is...does the local assembly where you gather resemble a family?  The more the church grows and the larger it becomes, the demonstration of family must be more deliberate and systematic.  And, just because a church is smaller doesn't mean she has an inclusive atmosphere.  The reality is that people are looking for a place and a group with whom to belong.  We just can't take that for granted.  No assumptions should ever be made that anyone will be integrated.  Furthermore, if you consider yourself a spiritual leader among that congregation, one of your primary responsibilities is to make sure "family style" is happening...and, at many levels.  As a leader, if you can't embrace the place you are serving, it's a good chance that neither will others to the extent that is necessary.  Show leadership on this one...and, ask the "look in the mirror" questions:  Is there real interaction where you worship...?  Does cooperation seem natural or forced...?  Does the spirit of the church reflect a patience, a humility, a servant's heart...?  That's just some of the questions to consider when you evaluate the "family style" of the church you call home.  Don't settle for "drive through" Christianity.  Live with the aim of getting around a table, knowing who you eat with, and enjoying the real life of gospel-living.  Serve it up "family style."  Okay, I'm hungry now!

How can you as a leader encourage more of a family dynamic in the church you are serving?

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