Monday, January 14, 2013

Signs of a Pastor Losing His Way

Because my ministry occupation is among local churches, pastors and ministry leaders on a continual basis, I’ve witnessed the ebbs and flows of church life.  And, without any hesitation, I can say that there’s nothing more beautiful than a community of faith filled with people growing in Christ, loving one another, and reaching their world.  Interestingly, however, the group of which I write embodies imperfection…starting with her leaders.  If ever the assumption rises that all spiritual leaders are always spiritual, naivety will rule that day.  And, what a danger that will be. 
My book reading list this year has begun with one that has challenged that very assumption and brought deeply healthy perspective to the table once again.  Its title is Dangerous Calling, by Paul David Tripp.  In Paul’s writings, he gives signs of a pastor losing his way.  He emphasizes that the pastor is just as much a part of the body of believers as the parishioner is…and, “therefore needs what the other members of the body need.”  But because there has been such distance created over the years between the two, unhealthy assumptions have been made and needs have been left unmet.  He speaks of what a pastor friend did and did not do that summarize the signs of a pastor in trouble:

(1) He ignored the clear evidence of problems.
(2) He was blind to the issues of his own heart.
(3) His ministry lacked devotion.
(4) He wasn’t preaching the gospel to himself.
(5) He wasn’t listening to the people closest to him.
(6) His ministry became burdensome.
(7) He began to live in silence.
(8) He began to question his calling.
(9) He gave way to fantasies of another life.

Needless to say, I recommend this book to the church at large – both the pastor and parishioner.  Paul Tripp gives necessary reminders and overdue insight into the unique challenges of pastoral ministry.  I’ve chosen the list above as a critical checklist for me.

What areas of your life need deeper examination today?


Matt Prihoda said...

You need to elaborate. What do some of these signs mean?

Darren S. Pilcher said...

This blog post was more of a book endorsement. Check out "Dangerous Calling" for more elaboration. Thanks for following the blog!