Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Now It Begins...

Well, by now, you are a good distance into your week of work and responsibilities...what could be seen as another run of the normal. But is it really? I mean, after a weekend of the most important of celebrations for the Christ-follower... Though, here in Oklahoma City, the rain came down in torrents, flooding the gutters and low-lying areas, giving us a good head start for the spring season, spoiling our outside egg hunts. However, the sun was shining brightly for those who could celebrate...those who knew what it was to celebrate. I like the way Leonard Sweet put it: On Easter "It is finished" becomes "Now it begins." So, before you allow the work week to collapse in your lap, bringing a load to your mind and heart, consider the new beginning that this season represents, the "aliveness" of Christ in and through you...because...it begins anew for you right now. Breathe it in... Today is truly the beginning of the rest of your life because of the Resurrection! It's life, abundant life!!! ENJOY!

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